
Vandalia Drummer News, April 2, 1985

Presidents Club “Off and Running;” Link Appointed President

Marvin Link has been appointed President of the Presidents Club of Vandalia-Butler. Link is a former president of the Vandalia Rotary Club and the Presidents Club of Dayton.

“We are off and running,” Link said last week. “We are now a viable organization in the community and hope to serve all our members and their organizations to the best of our ability.”

Other officers chosen at the organization’s first meeting, held Monday, March 25, include Guy Bishop, president-elect, who is president of the Vandalia Lions Club; Doris Schuster, vice president, who is president of the local Federation of Garden Clubs and Tom Morris, another vice-president, who is president of the Vandalia-Butler Optimist Club.

Secretary-Treasurer will be Rusty Tomlinson, president of the Kiwanis Club. Each officer will serve a one-year term.

The “founders” of the area Presidents Club are Guy Bishop, Marvin Link and Rusty Tomlinson, each of who is involved in his fair share of community service-related organizations such as the Vandalia Lions, Rotary and Kiwanis.

Possible and tentative plans for the Presidents Club include a banquet or similar event, recognizing certain clubs and their accomplishments; the recognizing of a “man or woman of the year” and meetings on a quarterly basis.

Link said membership to the club is open to all organizations and encourages those interested in joining to contact him or one of the other officers.